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The incidents narrated here in maybe brushed aside as non-scientific. But the fact remains as fact of real life examples. In every one of the cases MindScope was proved right. Although in many cases, at the time of case study and questioning, some in-built mystery was seen about the future, which at that time appeared fit for ignoring.
MindScope is one of the most unique guidance to mankind through which planetary afflictions and deficiencies or adverse conjunctions can be traced or marked within minutes, without the aid of horoscope. The system does not depend on the horoscope or data required for casting a horoscope such as date, time and place of birth, whereas to scientifically find the planetary afflictions from astrological point of view, the astrologer cannot do without the above basic data.
Instead, MindScope depends on certain unalterable facts such as the native’s photo, thumb impression etc. By connecting the individual through their photo etc., the relevant answers are sought, for which Dr. N Rajgopal’s Guru Kriya Babaji blesses and helps him in every case. The horoscope of any native is cast only later and detailed study is undertaken based on the divine revelations. Selection of suitable remedies is also undertaken only based on MindScope.
The Universologists [10] at Dr. N Rajgopal’s office answer any question only through MindScope on the basis of the photo of the native. In this fast world, in general, may people only want such straight answers, as they do not have time to have their horoscopes cast and analyzed by astrologers! Nevertheless people can have the findings or answer got through MindScope validated through a perusal of their horoscope. For the natives, it would be a thrilling experience to know peculiar planetary afflictions, which are not indicated in the birth chart, but to be found in magnified divisional charts, which many times is over looked by many astrologers, due to expectation of quick results by clients and also due to lack of dedication on the part of the Astrologer. The MindScope has thus helped numerous people to rejuvenate and recast their life. A great number of remedies have been selected preciously and administered most successfully for a variety of life threatening problems of all sections of the people.
In order to get the fullest benefit of MindScope , the concerned person:
Must have patience and perseverance.
Must have true intentions - wishes must be genuine.
Must have faith and determination to resolve the problems.
Must work in close coordination with Dr. N Rajgopal.
Must follow the guidelines properly, with dedication.
If so, what it looks worst today will turn into best tomorrow, it sure!
Note : [10] This word was coined by Dr. N Rajgopal as they go beyond mere astrology in providing solutions to real life problems of the people.
The real names of the persons have been changed to protect their identity Know More