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MS2K: Answers to Question through MindScope
Answer for any three Questions relating to one person.
within India- Rs. 5000, outside India- $USD 125
1. You need to provide photo of the concerned person.
2. All answers are through Divine MindScope and No Horoscope will be considered.
1.ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE OF ONE PERSON ONLY 2. This is only an answer to a specific question and would not constitute a MindScope or Astro consultation. 3. Without a proper background information is explained under the “Problem Description:” column, NO questions will get correct answer. 4. If you ask a question like “what career should I pursue?” then you should give three or four of your liking or choices, or such questions will not be answered.
1. When shall I get my money recovered from my friend?
2. When will my land dealing get over?
3. When shall I get all my money transferred from my customers?
4. When all my court matters shall get resolved?
5. When shall our land plots become free of litigation?
6. What sort of personality will my future wife be having?
7. Where from my soul mate come?
8. How will be my soulmate?
9. What career should I pursue?
10. Where should I to move?
11. How to live life with purpose?
12. About my family Maa Bhai?
13. About my family Bhai?
14. About my family Relatives?
15. About my family Children?
16. About my family Finance?
17. About my family Future?
18. About my family Health?
19. About my Career?
1. Should I buy A brand or B brand Car?
2. Should I invest my earnings in Chits or mutual funds?
3. Which girl will be suitable for me among the three sent herewith?
4. Which boy will be suitable for me among the three sent herewith?
5. Should I marry a boy in other caste or wait for till I get a boy in my own caste?
6. Should I marry a girl in other caste or wait for till I get a girl in my own caste?
7. I have offers from two companies. The offer letter copies are attached. Which will be better choice to accept?
8. I have completed my graduation. Should I continue my studies or join a job for hands on experience before I take up Post Graduation?
9. I am in love with a boy named …. (Photo attached). Is he genuinely loves me and will he marry me?
10. I am in love with a girl named …. (Photo attached). Is she genuinely loves me and will she marry me?
11. Will I get my green card within the next three years from now?
12. Where is my career prospects good – India or Foreign?
SLOT1 : 11:30 AM
SLOT2 : 03:00 PM
11 30 HRS TO 12 30 HRS
12 30 HRS TO 14 30 HRS
14 30 HRS TO 15 30 HRS
15.30 HRS TO 16.30 HRS